
Publié le mardi 22 octobre 2024   |   Projet européen


What is Euroweek?
It is an annual meeting of students and teachers from European nations. The meeting, which takes place every year at the end of September, is hosted by each member of this network in turn. Eight students and two teachers from each country get together to follow a program of activities determined by the host nation.

How did it start?
The first Euroweek was in Kain,Belgium in 1992. Although the idea came from a small team of schools it gradually spread all over Europe. Now up to twenty-seven delegations from secondary schools gather every year in one of the hosting schools.

Aim of Euroweek
The main aim of Euroweek is to create friendships, get to know our neighbours and see beyond prejudice. By debating and working together on issues that affect us all, it brings together school students from throughout Europe to share their experiences and thus promote awareness of and respect for each other´s cultures and values.

Students and teachers have the opportunity to communicate, get acquainted with each other’s educational systems as well as experience cultural elements from different European countries.

During this week guests are hosted by families so they get to know the daily life and habits in other countries. Furthermore, they can improve their speaking skills in foreign languages. The friendships that are created are so strong that they usually last for years and are reinforced by visiting each other during holidays.

The main emphasis is put on pupils socialising and working together on various projects. There are several standard activities that take place at every euroweek and others that are at the discretion of the host country.

Each country presents a short performance – it can be a traditional dance, musical performance or sketch. There is also the grand “International Buffet” where countries share their food.

Pupils do sports together, debate about subjects related to the Europe and attend classes. Of course there are social gatherings and a farewell party. In this way students and teachers have the opportunity to enjoy themselves, increase their knowledge of other countries and deepen the awareness of their own culture.